Canada ISED Opens Public Consultation on RSS-210, RSS-133 and SRSP-510

Feb 20, 2024 | Canada

The Canadian ISED (Innovation, Science and Economic Development) has opened the draft of RSS-210 Issue 11, RSS-133 issue 7, and SRSP-510 issue 6 for public discussion until May 2024.

  • RSS-210, issue 11, “License-Exempt Radio Apparatus: Category I Equipment”. Issue 11 is planned to replace the previous regulation RSS-210, Issue 10, dated December 2019.
  • RSS-133, issue 7, “Personal Communications Service Equipment Operating in the
    Bands 1850-1915 MHz and 1930-1995 MHz” sets out the certification requirements for
    Personal Communications Service (PCS) equipment operating in the bands 1850-1915 MHz and 1930-1995 MHz
  • SRSP-510, issue 6, “Technical Requirements for Personal Communications Services in the Bands 1850-1915 MHz and 1930-1995 MHz” sets the minimum technical requirements for the efficient use of the bands 1850-1915 MHz and 1930-1995 MHz by personal communications services (PCS)
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