What We Do
- Testing & compliance
- We launch your product to market
- Global market compliance requirements expertise
- Launch your product anywhere…from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe
- We are an extension of your testing & compliance team
- Turnkey services for your best interest
- Workplace site survey consulting & testing
- Consulting on how an area can be made compatible

Global Support
- Achieve global support by leveraging our worldwide expertise in regulations and requirements everywhere your products are manufactured or sold.

Minimize Risks
- Minimize risks by avoiding supply chain problems that can result in product recalls and reputational harm.
Why Choose Testing Partners

- Benefit from complete solutions - by utilizing our full range of testing, certification and auditing services
- With a minimum of ten years of expertise in our field.
- We understand testing and compliance regulation.
- Save time and money - by identifying Global compliance considerations at the earliest possible stages of the product development process.
- We help you save money by on time launch. Calculate loss we can help prevent. Click for Late to Market calculator
- On time launch pays for itself.

- Over 90% of products fail compliance the first time.
- We have the knowledge of regulation complexities to launch your product to market.
- Gain a competitive edge - by delivering products of consistent quality and safety, without compromising time to market.
Simply put...We get it
Our Passion: Ensuring Product Compliance
Testing Partners specializes in consulting, outsourcing, and global market access to ensure compliance and testing for your products. We understand that companies don’t have a department which is dedicated to this service so we are an extension of your engineering team. Our focus is your best interest which is to get the product into the market so you can generate the profits you have been working towards. Several companies have turned to Testing Partners for help in testing their products and providing consulting to help them meet compliance. Our comprehensive range of consulting services helps products in all phases of its lifecycle. Testing Partners areas of expertise mirror the complex nature of any compliance or regulation testing in any realm—chemical, medical, mechanical, sustainable energy—and is committed to delivering results in the most cost-effective, accurate, and efficient manner possible. Getting the product to market on time is the biggest challenge product engineers have. Delay in product launch means loss of expected margin. It can also mean competitive products entering the marketplace, general decrease in product demand, or a seasonal effect completely missing the revenue opportunity that could have existed. We create margin for you! Calculate how much money we can potentially help you generate by preventing a delay in launch by using our Late to Market calculator.
Compliance & Testing News from the Web
New US FDA FAQ Clarifies De Novo Medical Device User Fee Requirements
Source article: Read More ➔
MDUFA IV: US FDA Sets Performance Goals for De Novo Medical Device Reviews
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UK released guidance for using the new UK product making brought by British Exit (Brexit) from the EU
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IMDRF Pushes Wider Use of Registry Data in Medical Device Regulatory Decisions
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Changes to Australian Medical Device Recall Process Set for Early 2018
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Prepare for EU Exit – Post-Brexit REACH
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