Chemical Consulting & Compliance Testing

  • Cutting-edge technology allows us to deliver results in a timely, cost-effective manner.
chemical consulting
chemical consulting services

Chemical consulting & compliance testing to help get you launched.

At Testing Partners, we proudly serve as a premier industrial resource for chemical consulting. Whether that involves a simple toxicity screening or a more non-routine complex analysis, we are thoroughly involved in every aspect to help companies reach compliance with the necessary government and industry regulations. Our licensed chemical engineers are compliant with regulations such as US FDA, CPSC, EPA, Prop 65, RoHS, and REACH.

Chemical consulting from experts in their field.

We have an exhaustive list of regulatory chemical compliance testing services, but some of our frequently requested ones involve elemental trace analysis, failure analysis, contamination analysis and materials analysis and testing. Testing Partners utilizes the most advanced techniques coupled with comprehensive knowledge of ASTM International testing methods, a combination that yields expert solutions and the most accurate test results.

Minimize risk and maximize profitability through chemical consulting & compliance testing.

Our scientists apply a widely varied assortment of cutting-edge lab technology and proprietary testing methods to ensure industry specific safety and regulatory requirements. Testing Partners has the proper resources, licensed experts, troubleshooting techniques, and correct research and development on all products to help minimize risk and maximize profitability.

Why Choose Testing Partners


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  • Benefit from complete solutions - by utilizing our full range of testing, certification and auditing services
  • With a minimum of ten years of expertise in our field.
  • We understand testing and compliance regulation.


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  • Save time and money - by identifying Global compliance considerations at the earliest possible stages of the product development process.
  • We help you save money by on time launch. Calculate loss we can help prevent. Click for Late to Market calculator
  • On time launch pays for itself.


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  • Over 90% of products fail compliance the first time.
  • We have the knowledge of regulation complexities to launch your product to market.
  • Gain a competitive edge - by delivering products of consistent quality and safety, without compromising time to market.

Simply put...We get it

Late to Market Calculator




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Getting the product to market on time is the biggest challenge product engineers have. Delay in product launch means loss of expected margin. It can also mean competitive products entering the marketplace, general decrease in product demand, or a seasonal effect completely missing the revenue opportunity that could have existed.

A delay causes a shift in the entire revenue cycle of the product including the period that the product peaks in its revenue. This can have a severe impact on the product and your organization. Our engineers understand this. Testing Partners generates margin for an organization because it fully understands the intricacies and complexities of compliance and regulation.

We create margin for you! Calculate how much money we can potentially help you generate by preventing a delay in launch.

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