Jordan TRC Update

May 18, 2022 | Jordan

Jordan Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) published an update to the RLAN instructions. The newly published RLAN instructions were officially approved on April 13, 2022 and are applicable to all RLAN devices.

The new RLAN instructions allow TRC the usage of WIFI 6E within the operating frequency band 5925 – 6426 MHz for portable devices (indoor and outdoor). The following table highlights the most notable updates against the old regulation:

Frequency band (MHz) Old regulation New regulation from 13.04.2022
2400-2483.5 Allowed for Indoor & outdoor use with 20 dBm Max EIRP Noting changed
5150-5350 Only 5150-5250 was allowed for indoor & outdoor use with 23 dBm Max EIRP TRC allowed B2 (5250-5350) to be used = so the whole band (B1, B2) now is allowed for indoor and outdoor use with 23 dBm Max EIRP
5470-5725 Not allowed The band is allowed for Indoor only use with 30 dBm Max EIRP
5725-5875 allowed for indoor use only with 23 dBm Max EIRP Noting changed
5925-6425 (WIFI 6E) Not allowed allowed as follows :
For portable devices (indoor & outdoor) max EIRP: 25mW dBm (14 dBm).
For indoor use only max EIRP, 200 mW (23 dBm)
57 – 71 GHz Not allowed Allowed to be used with 40 dBm Max EIRP. provided that TX power shall not exceed 27 dBm

For more information about regulatory standards for market access into Jordan, or info on any global regulatory standards and how they pertain to your product in the global marketplace, please contact Testing Partners at (862) 243-2677.

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