Testing Partners SDoC Services
Testing Partners LLC provides SDoC Services for importers and manufacturers. We will serve as the contact point for any inquiries from the FCC. We will also serve as trans-shipment point for audit samples that may be requested by the FCC.
Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) is an FCC equipment authorization procedure that requires the party responsible for compliance to ensure that the equipment complies with the appropriate technical standards. The responsible party is not required to file an equipment authorization application with the Commission or a TCB; therefore, equipment approved under the SDoC procedure is not listed in any Commission database. However, the responsible party must provide a test report and other information demonstrating compliance with the rules upon request by the Commission. For any equipment subject to the SDoC procedure, the certification equipment authorization procedure may be used in place of the SDoC procedure at the option of the responsible party.
The key FCC rule sections for SDoC are:
Section 2.906 Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity
Section 2.909 Responsible party
Section 2.931 Responsibilities
Section 2.938 Retention of records
Section 2.1072 Limitations on Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity
Section 2.1074 Identification
Section 2.1077 Compliance Information
For FCC guidelines click here
Our standard fees are as follows:
Type of Service | Period | Fees |
1st SDoC | One time | $500 |
Per Additional SDoC | One time | $250 |
Unlimited SDoCs | One year | $2500 |
Why Choose Testing Partners

- Benefit from complete solutions - by utilizing our full range of testing, certification and auditing services
- With a minimum of ten years of expertise in our field.
- We understand testing and compliance regulation.
- Save time and money - by identifying Global compliance considerations at the earliest possible stages of the product development process.
- We help you save money by on time launch. Calculate loss we can help prevent. Click for Late to Market calculator
- On time launch pays for itself.

- Over 90% of products fail compliance the first time.
- We have the knowledge of regulation complexities to launch your product to market.
- Gain a competitive edge - by delivering products of consistent quality and safety, without compromising time to market.