Israel: Safety and Energy Efficiency Requirements

Israel: Safety and Energy Efficiency Requirements Israel Safety and Energy Efficiency Requirements: On June 1, 2022, a new standard reform effectively permitted the import of products covered by official standards through an Israeli standardization track or a foreign...

Safety Standard Update Effective Dec 31,2024

Safety Standard Update Effective Dec 31,2024 Enterprise Singapore recently announced via Circular CPSO-310323-08 an update on the safety standard for registration requirements of the 13A fused switched connection units, which are classified as Controlled Goods (CGs)...

CHINA: China SRRC deadline for type approval applications

CHINA: China SRRC deadline for type approval applications China SRRC deadline for type approval applications using old standards in the 2.4/5.1/5.8GHz frequency band: The State Radio Administration of MIIT recently made the following notification about the deadline...

CHILE: Update on Battery Certification Requirements

CHILE: Update on Battery Certification Requirements Chile Regulatory Compliance Update on Battery Certification Requirements: Effective March 31, 2024, it will be mandatory for electric battery chargers intended for domestic use to undergo a certification process....
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